Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cold and Now Dreary

So I'm thinking I should pay more attention to the weather. It was SO COLD last night that I actually left my heater on all night. My parents are the ultimate tight wads - I mean they are so very frugal - the heat went on after November 1 when the rates went down and even then it was "put on more socks" versus turn up the heat. Given that, I can't bear the thought of leaving the heat on when I'm under 4 blankets with surrounding pillows and warm PJs. I did it last night. I'm a wild and crazy kid. Now, I walked out of work and it's drizzling. Really? Really?? Where was I when winter happened? If I could come to accept the cold and rain, I could change my attitude to my "YAY TAHOE" thoughts and we'll be golden till spring.

On a separate note, I want to list out some needs I have in order to hold myself accountable for my evenings at home. I need to focus. I need to assess my current situation and figure out my plan of attack. I need to paint my bathroom. I need to organize ten years of photographs so I can best use the images. I need to start writing more letters. I need to become more fiscally responsible. I need to have more fun. I need to go on more dates. Ok, I need to go on dates. I need to ditch the soccer mom ride in favor of something sportier (and cheaper.) I need to get my motivation back. I need to hang out with my brothers more. I need to continue to build my business. I need to join more organizations. I need to volunteer.

On this chilly, damp day in the middle of November, I'd like to give thanks for hot chocolate, Locals Night at Oxbow, and photography clients.

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