Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Favorite Things

The Groupon copywriting
My bed
The Groupon copywriting
Grande nonfat lattes
Fuzzy socks
The Groupon copywriting

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Living for Today

I am going to try to move past all the bad things that have happened by living just for today. I know it's a little like the Serenity Prayer in AA, but honestly, every time Dear Abby prints that thing, I try to memorize it.

This weekend was great. Nothing huge happened, no crazy nights out, didn't meet Prince Charming. This weekend just was, and it was fun. No huge plans = random days. A couple hours of walking in the sun, a couple hours chilling at the coffee shop, a couple hours of a movie, a couple hours of shopping and dinner, a couple hours of Rockband. I'm pretty sure that makes for an awesome Saturday.

Today was great too! A day in the city with my folks, hit up Rayko Photo Center for their Kodachrome exhibit, saw my dad's office, had some great Thai. Oh and I started the day with the longest run I've done in years - 3.4 miles.

If I can keep my focus just on today, I should be ok.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cranky Pants.

Life isn't always ice cream and sprinkles. It just isn't. Anyone who acts like it is can suck it.

Today, I actually got up and ran. That's three times this week. I hope I can keep it up. Made me feel pretty good about myself.

I headed to work, arrived a bit late which I'm ok with because I ran, and realized I had left my computer at home. Back into the car I go.

I get home, retrieve my computer, contemplate putting my PJs back on and just calling it a day, and head back to the office.

Somewhere along the highway, I heard a pop and then wind wooshing around. A quick window check reveals that all of my windows are intact and indeed closed. A quick open of the sun shade  reveals that my sunroof has shattered into bits and it's all bad. I go to work.

I spend too much time of my very busy day on the phone with insurance claims agents, body shops and more insurance agents. I take my car over to the body shop where they tape plastic on the roof so I don't get rained on tomorrow while they wait for the insurance company and glass order to come in.

I head home to work from there because really? Can I not catch ONE break in this life?

I thought, ya know what I need? Comfort food. What better than chili on this chilly night in the slow cooker? That way I don't need to do anything but plop it all in and turn it on. I did just that.

I just went into the kitchen, 2 hours later, to stir my concoction. Who's the fool who forgot to PLUG THE SLOW COOKER IN? Oh that'd be me.

Awesome. Guess I'll have chili tomorrow. Good thing it's an ice box in that kitchen - probably colder than my actual refrigerator. And if I get food poisoning from the ground turkey sitting on the counter for 2 hours then we'll just tack that on to a so far sucky year.

Please let something good happen soon. Lottery, maybe?