Sunday, January 11, 2009

30 Days What?

It's been almost thirty days since I've posted. Oops. I've been a tad overwhelmed with life and blogging took the backseat.

All I have to say right now is that I am sitting in a hotel room, freaking out because I have to take a public speaking course for the next three days. I'm going to die. Actually, I would rather die. I am so not good at this.


mvmorgan said...

Oh Meggie! I can totally relate to your fear--i can't even say my name in front of a group of people!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!! :) also, did you watch the rock of love tour bus the other night? trashier than ever. love it. and miss you!

mvmorgan said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh Meggie! I can totally relate to your fear--i can't even say my name in front of a group of people!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!! :) also, did you watch the rock of love tour bus the other night? trashier than ever. love it. and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Meggie! I can totally relate to your fear--i can't even say my name in front of a group of people!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!! :) also, did you watch the rock of love tour bus the other night? trashier than ever. love it. and miss you!

Anonymous said...

help! can you delete all my extra postings?! i tried but then it says comment deleted and you'll think some crazy person was on your site. :)