Last weekend was pretty nutty - K's baby shower BBQ, A's b-day, photo shoot,
The Hangover, rehashing The Hangover, then sleep glorious sleep on Sunday night.
Let's begin from the end, with seeing
The Hangover Sunday afternoon. I loved this movie. Loved it. Loved it so much I saw it again on Monday night and it was even better! This movie is really all about the one-liners and there are SO many of them that I just can't stop's not illegal, it's frowned upon. One of my favorite parts is how Alan copies the desert, in the car on the way home, at the wedding ("does my hair look like Phil's?" "yes, Alan, classic Phil.") Alan is so pathetically funny and he's trying to copy the cool guy, Phil, so much. It's awesome. His lines are GREAT. Funny how movies sometime mimic real life! They did such a great job in this movie casting the characters...they're soooo different and sooooo funny together. Did you just eat sofa pizza?
That morning, I had gone to Sonoma to do a
photoshoot for was fun and friendly and crazy with people but it was a house filled with smiles and good-natured smack talk. Reminded me of home...

Working backwards...A's b-day. We had an awesome time in Petaluma - hit up
Dempsey's for dinner (best onion rings I've ever had...more like a pile of shaved, fried onion heaven) and, of course, mad conversation. After dinner, we headed downtown, deciding to try the vodka bar at
Graziano's. Yes, a vodka bar. As in a room with blue lights, a wall of vodkas, and 28 degrees. So cold that they give you a faux fur seen here:

After the pricey vodka shots and frozen extremities, we headed to the Hideaway to dance a little and closedown the place in honor of A's 21st birthday :)
During the day on Saturday, it was my honor and pleasure to attend the K&JK Baby Bash BBQ! M and I left her house early that afternoon and headed out to Spring Lake in Santa Rosa for an afternoon in the sun with friends and family. They made it so fun! There was baby present bingo, betting on date/time/gender of the baby, and an awesome idea - a large white mat with pink & blue pens to sign with...sign your name in your chosen baby-type (boy blue/girl pink), and guess the baby's arrival date and weight/length. This is a lot like guessing how many jellybeans are in a jar or people in a room and I am horrible at those games. Here's a little taste of the party...(I'll edit some of these this weekend and post to my
Facebook business page...)
Friday I stayed at my parents' house - it was nice to just hang out,
work on photos, and watch Wall-E.